IFA Germany International Football Academy GmbH
Im Frauengrund 5
96106 Ebern
Bavaria / Germany
Represented by:
Thomas Kastler (CEO)
+49 (0)9531 944 8264
+49 (0)9531 944 8265
E-Mail: kphqBkhcigtocp{0eqo
We use cookies and third-party services
We use cookies and other third-party services to give you the best possible user experience. To use all the features of our website, you must accept the use of cookies and services. For more information, please visit our page Privacy Policy
Legal Notice - Privacy Policy - Terms and Condition - Contact
We use the following cookies:
php Session Cookie: PHPSESSID
Is set by the server to ensure the functionality of the contact forms, language selection, wish list and shopping cart.
Storage period: Until the end of the browser session
Values: SessionID: 608f8452630eff07ecb060381c9cf83b
Our own Cookie: ifagermany_com
It will save if you accept cookies and services and if yes, which ones you accept.
Storage period: 90 days (if NO, only until the end of the browser session)
Values: AllowCookies: YES / NO - AllowGoogleMaps: YES / NO - AllowYoutube: YES / NO - AllowKalender: YES / NO
Your settings
No persistent cookies will be set and no data will be sent to Google, but you will not be able to use the Google Maps and Streetview map.
You can view and change your settings at any time on the following page: Privacy Policy.
You can view and change your settings at any time on the following page: Privacy Policy.